About Boyko/Hutsul dialects which according to you are more understandable to Russian person than Ukrainian language I will disagree with you. However, Dutch speakers usually understand more German than the reverse because they study German in school. Its also highly intelligible with Portuguese in writing, though less so when spoken. Personal communication. The languages really split about 1,000 years ago, but written Slovak was based on written Czech, and there was a lot of interlingual communication. In terms of pronunciation, Ukrainian or Southeastern Yiddish can be considered to occupy an intermediate position between Northeastern and Central Yiddish. All Rights Reserved. (I will come to Bulgarian too). let me guess, British bankers/Zionists/Rosthchild family/British oil companies/British special forces/Mossad was behind it? Re: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility. Older people who rembember federation understand everything. http://www.network54.com/Forum/84302/thread/1284248981/last-1288620675/The+real+9-11+cover+up-+Political+hijacking++was+originally+aimed+at+Russia, http://www.network54.com/Forum/84302/thread/1289113786/last-1289113786/British+intelligence+links+to+African+Emabssy+bombings, http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/sheikhmedia.htm, http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/wanted_terrorists/usama-bin-laden/view, http://ifaq.wap.org/society/voweldeployment.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58Aog4AJdQM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1n9KMawa-8, https://www.academia.edu/4080349/Mutual_Intelligibility_of_Languages_in_the_Slavic_Family, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11185-015-9150-9, https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%8A%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA, Alt Left: Ukrainian Nazis Execute Two of Their Own Men for Refusing to Fight, The Conquest of Germany and Japan Never Ended, Protected: Post to Discuss All of the Various POIs and Theories in the Delphi Murders from the Crime to the Present, Protected to Avoid Libel and Character Assassination Part 10, NATO Helped the Ukrainians Fire All Those Drones at Russia, Including all the Way to Moscow, The Conquest and Destruction of Russia Project Goes Way Back to Post World War 2, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. Then she asked me to go do something useful, so this is all I can contribute with. But islanders more often say Mi povidamo na nau or domau. But then the second older guy from Bosnia (Filipovi) appeared on the screen and wow! Are Polish and Ukrainians mutually intelligible? - Quora BULGARIAN: Balgarskijat ezik e naj-rannijat pismeno dokumentiran slavjanski ezik. More? Czechs say Lach is a part of Czech, and Poles say Lach is a part of Polish. Mutual intelligibility between languages - CourseFinders "A New Methodology for Romance Classification". If one takes the transitional dialects which make a triangle between Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, one can say that it is also one language. Are polish and slovak mutually intelligible? It is important to note that the idea of this paper was try to test "pure inherent intelligibility." A pure inherent intelligibility test would involve a couple of things. Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian have 10-15% oral intelligibility, however, there are Bulgarian dialects that are transitional with Torlak Serbian. Every major language has some dialects Also both sides are able to use standard Slovak. Download Ebook Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback Russia Invades Ukraine pt XII | TideFans.com Like a shits to o. Slovak is closely related to Czech, to the point of mutual intelligibility to a very high degree, as well as Polish.Like other Slavic languages, Slovak is a fusional language with a complex system of morphology and relatively flexible word order. Pobrzajte in Serbian means (pourite) but I understand it because brzo means fast and prefix po also exists in Serbian, and the imperative form is the same. This understanding can be in spoken or written communication. The world's most difficult languages to learn Polish uses Latin letters, just like English. My mother is a native Croatian speaker and she told me that serbian and croatian have very good intelligibility but however the grammar is very different.Comparing those two languages would be like comparing czech and slovakian. Slovenians have a very hard time understanding Poles and Czechs and vice versa. Russian VS Ukrainian - How Different Are The Two - AutoLingual He said if he was there for about a week he could understand probably everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58Aog4AJdQM. 6. German is partially mutually intelligible with Yiddish and Dutch. Sets of similar languages are the result of shared origin, so knowing a little more about mutual intelligibility can help you understand their origin. Thank you very much for this. Polish: 5% I confess to not being a linguist, and therefore didnt see past the problematic sentence Nevertheless Ukrainian intelligibility of Russian is hard to calculate because presently there are few Ukrainians in Ukraine who do not speak Russian. Italian is partially mutually intelligible with French, Catalan, Sardinian, Spanish, Ladin and Romanian. I am a good control for this because I am an American but my father is Slovak(my mother is half Slovak but American) and I can understand about 50 % of Slovak and I do have a hard time with Czech but once I get past their hacek r I can understand quite a bit. Pronunciation is quite different, but all patterns are easy to catch. Congratulations on a brilliant article! Ukrainian has 62% lexical similarity with Russian but 70% with Polish, which isn't high enough for mutual intelligibility with both Russian and Polish, but Poles can certainly understand Ukrainian much better than Russian, and Russians can understand Ukrainian much better than Poles. Anti-Ethnic Sentiments [2], Sign languages are not universal and are usually not mutually intelligible,[3] although there are also similarities among different sign languages. Slovenians, Macedonians and Bulgars used to be one nation called Sklaveni and they were living in the south Hungary. Personal communication. https://www.academia.edu/4080349/Mutual_Intelligibility_of_Languages_in_the_Slavic_Family CZECH: Bulharsk jazyk je indoevropsk jazyk ze skupiny jihoslovanskch jazyk. Belarusian is closer to Polish and Ukrainian than Russian. http://www.network54.com/Forum/84302/thread/1289113786/last-1289113786/British+intelligence+links+to+African+Emabssy+bombings. 15), Part II", "Intelligibility of standard German and Low German to speakers of Dutch", "Cross-Border Intelligibility on the Intelligibility of Low German among Speakers of Danish and Dutch", "Mutual intelligibility of Dutch-German cognates by humans and computers", "Morpho-syntax of mutual intelligibility in the Turkic languages of Central Asia - Surrey Morphology Group", "Kirundi language, alphabet and pronunciation", "Tokelauan Language Information & Resources", "Majlis Bahasa Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Malaysia (MABBIM)", "Indonesian-Malay mutual intelligibility? Czechs see Slovaks as country bumpkins backwards and folksy but optimistic, outgoing and friendly. In fact, many Macedonians are switching away from the Macedonian language towards Serbo-Croatian. possession is indicated most frequently using dative pronouns, unlike Serbians tendency to use possessive pronouns in greater frequency Usually, theyre at least partially mutually intelligible with the main language they stem from. However, Bulgarians claim to be able to understand Serbo-Croatian better than the other way around. In the case of transparently cognate languages officially recognized as distinct such as Spanish and Italian, mutual intelligibility is in principle and in practice not binary (simply yes or no), but occurs in varying degrees, subject to numerous variables specific to individual speakers in the context of the communication. I think that nowadays people from Ni also dont understand that Serbian enough. Portuguese also has a high degree of mutual intelligibility with Spanish. How close is Ukrainian language to Polish? LINGO | Gaston Dorren, language writer However, leaving aside Kajkavian speakers, Croatians have poor intelligibility of Slovenian. It has a very high degree of mutual intelligibility with Galician (spoken in Northwestern Spain), which is a language thats sort of a cross between Portuguese and Spanish. So they speak Macedonian to me and I speak Serbian to them, and we understand each other perfectly. Kids speak both languages, as well as English, fluently. It features phonemic vowel length that came about as a coalescence of a vowel with a following /v/ (usually one /v x j/ in Serbian, the distribution is opaque and unpredictable) or the contraction of the sequence /ij/ into /i:/ this feature is shared with plenty of Macedonian dialects, as far as I remember but has traditional, harder Serbian alveopalatals and palatals, having [t d t d] for Macedonian [t d c() ()] (treating these as allophones as they seem to be the same four phonemes). It's not learning, but for become understanding - Ukrainian must listen Polish language from some hours to some days to get used to very specific pronunciation. I would say that Macedonian is about 25% intelligible to a Serbian speaker that was never exposed to Macedonian. Czechs hardly ever study at Slovak universities. I will also send you a copy so you can look over the Serbo-Croatian part and tell me if there are any errors. However, there are dialects in between Ukrainian and Russian such as the Eastern Polissian and Slobozhan dialects of Ukrainian that are intelligible with both languages . You must namely take into consideration that the mutual understanding depends on many things if you are LISTENING or READING, WHAT are people talking about, HOW FAST they are speaking, and even WHO is speaking. In my opinion Czech and Slovak mutual intelligibility is not heavily exaggerated but actually very underrated(or some opposite word of exagerated, sorry for my poor english). Or maybe you are just a gatekeeper. Nevertheless, most Bulgarians over the age of 30-35 understand Russian well since studying Russian was mandatory under Communism. My father once read an article in polish and he said he understood almost everything, but when its spoken he said about 60%. That barrier, however, is not too difficult to overcome. It may seem that Polish and Russian are mutually intelligible because they both come from the same language family and share a lot of similarities. Portuguese has varying degrees of mutual intelligibility with Spanish, Galician, French and Italian. Just search for alternative Croatian or kaikavian lessons and you will find me, along witht he contact information. Glad to hear you are steering clear of it. They have more in common than you might think! Russian speakers are also likely to understand some Bulgarian, along with other Slavic languages to a lesser extent. And o shifts to u. BULGARIAN (transferred to the Latin script): algarskijat ezik e indoevropejski ezik ot grupata na junoslavjanskite ezici. Now tokavian and akavian. Zona Zamfirova is the movie in a Serbian dialect, but I dont understand it as same as I dont understand Macedonian or even more so, that is more like Bulgarian with the hard vowels. Classifications may also shift for reasons external to the languages themselves. As a native Serbian speaker from Bosnia who has interacted with most Slavic languages , heres my breakdown of level of mutual intelligibility with other Slavic tongues: its not based on bilingual learning. Its also said that Serbo-Croatian can understand Bulgarian and Macedonian, but this is not true. Just one example: the letter g was eliminated in order to make the Ukrainian h correspond exactly with Russian g. However, she is from Skopje, close to the Serbian border and which have had much more influence from Serbian. Differences Between Czech Slovak And Polish: Easy Guide [2], Because of the difficulty of imposing boundaries on a continuum, various counts of the Romance languages are given; in The Linguasphere register of the worlds languages and speech communities David Dalby lists 23 based on mutual intelligibility:[13]. However, Bulgarian-Russian written intelligibility is much higher. An academic paper has been published making the case for a separate Balachka language. Also, danes and swedes have a hard time understanding each other, but they can read the others language quite well. Czech and Polish are incomprehensible to Serbo-Croatian speakers (Czech 10%, Polish 5%), but Serbo-Croatian has some limited comprehension of Slovak, on the order of 25%. I use Ethnologues list of languages and dialects, but extend it a bit. The German influence is more prominent in the west; Polish influence is greater in the east. In addition, political and social conventions often override considerations of mutual intelligibility in both scientific and non-scientific views. Or as an English speaker, you might catch the gist of some Scots. As far as grammars are concerned (declension and conjugation), they are so similar that there is almost no effort in understanding that this noun is, for example, in dative plural, and that verb is imperfective past. The idea is that the Kajkavian and Chakavian languages simply do not exist, though obviously they are both separate languages. You cannot simply separate the articles from the words during a regular conversation. True MI testing does try to find virgin ears that have heard little of the other language and speak little or none of it. How Similar Are Russian And Ukrainian? - Babbel Magazine Ukrainian and Belarusian are mutually intelligible and in general very close and have some common features like synthetical future, but Russian speakers (who know only Russian) only partially understand Ukrainian/Belarusian. Bulgarian and Macedonian can understand each other to a great degree (65-80%) but not completely. The diffete. Vedle hlavn, pouvan v Bulharsku, existuje jet makedonsk norma, kter tak (?) How much Slovene can your average Chakavian speaker understand? Hag_Boulder 9 mo. Spanish and Catalan have a lexical similarity of 85%. Most pairs have no figure for written intelligibility. In some respects, all Slavic languages have a lot in common. However, the Croatian macrolanguage has strange lects that Standard Croatian (tokavian) cannot understand. It differs from the rest of Silesian in that it has undergone heavy Czech influence. 2. Serbs until recently where still self titled Yugoslavs. Polish lacks full intelligibility of Silesian, although this is controversial (see below). It was for me a bit strange, because Bulgarian science still supports the thesis that Macedonian is Bulgarian. As an addendum, Id like to make it known that my own grandmother, who hails from a village some twenty kilometers southwest of Ni, got lost in Belgrade once but has no problem getting around Skopje. Are Russian and Polish mutually intelligible? This difference is because Bulgarian is not spoken the same way it is written like Serbo-Croatian is. Je to oficiln jazyk v Bulharsk republice a jeden z 23 oficilnch jazyk v Evropsk unii. You are a smart guy. And the same problem emerges in other situations. Mutual intelligibility among Slavic Languages | Antimoon Forum For the south slavic speakers, it is a commonism, almost a joke, for a Serb and a Croat to argue---in a mutually intelligible language---that . Bratislava speakers say that Kosice speech sounds half Slovak and half Ukrainian and uses many odd and unfamiliar words. In other respects I am happy to say I manage to keep my identity clear of any overt nationalist definitions And if you're perhaps a polyglot or linguaphile looking for a new challenge, then maybe learning a bit of Mandarin, Urdu, or even Persian might just be up your alley! The Polish and Ukrainian languages come from the same Slavic roots, but are not so close that they are mutually intelligible. Due to no prior exposure to Russian, I could not understand that language, other than a few words and expressions here and there. However, another view is that Lach is indeed Lechitic, albeit with strong Czech influence. Feb 22, 2020. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I cannot understand that much of kajkavski nor akavski, but I can understand more akavski than I can kajkavski. Ukrainian and Belarusian are pretty much mutually intelligible (source: I am a poet in Belarusian, I go to poetry festivals in Belarus quite often and there are no interpreters for the Ukrainian poets invited to international events). In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world. Ukrainian language similar to Polish? Therefore . Russian on the other hand uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Because they use different alphabets, German and Yiddish are only mutually intelligible when spoken. Im The Lizard King, I Can Do Anything! . Scientific intelligibility studies of Czech and Slovak have shown ~82% quite high but still low enough for them to be closely related separate languages and not dialects of one language. It has many Hungarian words, archaic Slavic words and words of an unknown origin (at least to me). Yes, there are some words, which has Ukraine origins, but trust me that its not so hard to understand. And when islanders respond back in akavian they are puzzled: What? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1n9KMawa-8 Pei Mario (1949). This is heartening, although Kajkavian as an existing spoken lect also needs to be recognized as a living language instead of a dialect of Croatian, whatever that word means. A Serb gave me this information. Ukrainians and Belarusians understand each other's languages with no problem. You get 0%. Yes because governments dont conspire do they except for the Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq war, drug trafficking, coups, supporting the same Islamic terrorism which is even mentioned in main stream press during the 90s with links to the 9/11 hijackers which we are now supposably fighting a phoney war on terror against. I have read a book from Fraenkel/Kramer I believe or something similar, which said (according to some empiry) that Macedonians were easily switching to Serbian in comparison to Slovenes who stuck to their language in the time of Yugoslavia. However Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian are not like Czech and Slovak. As a non-Ukrainian (as well as non-Polish) native speaker, I can understand Ukrainian through Polish more easily than Russian, even though I actually studied Russian formally, but never Ukrainian-:) . My gues. Far Northeastern Slovak (Saris Slovak) near the Polish border is close to Polish and Ukrainian. It is no surprise that Ukrainian (and to a smaller extent) Belarusian have tons of Polish words, and are therefore more lexically similar to Polish than to Russian. These attacks killed over 200 people. I can give you an example of how I can read Bulgarian: Bosnian and Montenegrin are also just dialects of Serbian language. The reason that these languages seem to be mutually intelligible is because almost all Ukrainians are bilingual anyway, and capable of switching between the two at will. Is Bulgarian Similar to Russian? A Side-by-Side Comparison The distance of Slovene may seem unlikely, but I think that it is still rather optimistic, because Czech and Slovene are quite distant, despite geographical closeness. Bulgarian more comprehensible than standard Ukrainian. Belarussian and Ukrainian have 85% similar vocabulary. Can a Russian speaker understand Polish? Hutch Mon May 14, 2007 12:25 am GMT. I once had a conversation with a young woman from the Czech Republic. One way to look at Macedonian is that it is a Serbo-Croatian-Bulgarian transitional lect. The Bulgarian language is the earliest written record Slavic language. Buzet is actually transitional between Slovenian and Kajkavian. Most native speakers agree on MI. 8. Russia) in Canada, and they barely can understand standard Ukrainian. most speakers of one language find it relatively easy to achieve some degree of understanding in the related language(s). She stated that Czech and Slovak are mutually intelligible and that the main differences between the two languages is that Slovak has somewhat of a Hungarian inflluence, and Czech has more of a German and Latin component. Russian is actually a little further, but most Belarusian speakers are bilingual (Bel-Rus) and most Ukrainian . Jeff Lindsay estimates that Russian has 85% intelligibility with Rusyn (which has a small number of speakers in Central and Eastern Europe). You can pick out the common words like Voda (water), Hleb (bread), zima (cold) and so forth but it is tough to get the jist of what they are saying with out more immersion. However, it appears to be a separate language, as Lach is not even intelligible within itself. Some say it is a part of Czech, but more likely it is a part of Polish like Silesian. Polish and Ukrainian: different or similar? - Language Tsar 70%? That is good to know. Jembrigh, Mario. Traditionally, dialects are regional variations of one main language. Ukrainian and Belarusian are the closest languages, as together with Russian they form the East Slavic group of languages. That is a particularly ugly version of nationalism brewing in your vicinity. The real reason that Slavs cant even understand each other: not enough vowels in their tongues! There is an old Kajkavian-Chakavian dialect continuum of which little remains, although some of the old Kajkavian-Chakavian transitional dialects are still spoken (Jembrigh 2014). Given that Polish and Russian belong to different groups under the same language family, we can deduce that these two languages share a lot of similarities but also have many differences. Most people in the region speak Russian with a few Ukrainian words. Its often said that all Slavic languages are mutually intelligible with each other. Russian has high intelligibility of Belarussian, on the order of 75%. There is a group of Bulgarians living in Serbia in the areas of Bosilegrad and Dimitrovgrad who speak a Bulgarian-Serbian transitional dialect, and Serbs are able to understand these Bulgarians well. Or they will say, Well, that is about 70% our language. If it is a dialect, they will say, That is really still our language. The only (still rather minor) problem that I had with this text was the part Nared s osnovnata, izpolzovana v Balgarija (Together with the basic norm used in Bulgaria), because I could not understand Nared s osnovnata. Also how much of Rusyn do Russians understand on a % basis? For instance, akavian Croatian is not intelligible with Standard Croatian. Ponaszymu also has many Germanisms which have been falling out of use lately, replaced by their Czech equivalents. In the case of Croatian and Slovene, the intelligibility is asymmetric, since Slovene participants could understand Croatian better than vice versa. The Polish alphabet includes certain additional letters formed using diacritics: the kreska in the letters , , , , and through the letter in ; the kropka in the letter , and the ogonek ("little . Hello, can you tell me, how much Kajkavian can your average Chakavian speaker understand in percentage? akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. And Shtokavian is dialect of Serbian language. If youre learning multiple languages at once, pairing similar languages is a great way to maximize your studying. The grammar in both languages is similar, but, predictably, there are a few differences: While Ukrainian includes the past continuous tense, there are only three tenses in Russian (past, present and future). There was a lot of past Yugoslav politics that hid the truth. Also, I can only understand a small bit of Russian, and Ukrainian is even more far off for me(the pronunciation is easier but understanding is harder) and I can understand quite a bit of bulgarian(especially when written). #5. I will tell you also this: They give you strict % figures, and it is pretty amazing. There is one factor they dont know about the internet. The intelligibility of Czech and Slovak is much exaggerated. Lemko is spoken heavily in Poland, and it differs from Standard Rusyn in that it has a lot of Polish vocabulary, whereas Standard Rusyn has more influences from Hungarian and Romanian. The biggest Slavic language by far is Russian, which has 154 million native speakers and over 258 million speakers in total. Dont let the past politics fool you. Scots and English are considered mutually intelligible. If youve studied one language, you may very well understand some of anotheror have a much easier time learning it. do is the same verb (prim/pri/pri/primo/prite/pre vs. pravam/pravi/pravi/pravime/pravite/pravaat; as opposed to Serbian raditi) He is currently listed on the FBIs Most Wanted Terrorists list. I have to really focus and try hard to understand them but with patience I can get buy. Czechs claim only 10-15% intelligibility of Polish. All foreign movies in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia are translated into Czech, not Slovak. Mutual intelligibility between West and South Slavic languages General. Much of my vocabulary simply isnt present in their lects, even when I try and align myself to speak more in line with the norm. In writing, however, Scots language looks similar to English (albeit with some spelling variations). Masovian, which is spoken throughout the central and eastern regions of Poland. Apart lack of understandability there are phrases that could be ill understood with famous Polish I am looking for the broom We in Serbia even had some comic movies that was making fun of south Serbian dialects (that are more related to Bulgarian and Macedonian) with very mocking or even rude comments for someone who make mistakes in the word cases. Can you give me your name here or can you email me with your name, unless that is you in your email address there. I also have no problems understanding standard Croatian or the Kajkavian and Cakavian Croatian dialects and Bosnian and Montenegrin to me are the same language and completely understandable. But the language isnt problem. The reason there are subtitles on Russian-language shows in Ukraine is because of Ukraines puristic state language policies. Some Poles say they find Silesian harder to understand than Belorussian or Slovak, which implies intelligibility of 20-25%.
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