To remove one image: $ai remove $ , To remove all of them for a character: $ai removeall , To swap an image: $ai swap $ $ . This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. $imf: To see one character ready for the fight. For frequently asked questions, especially those which cannot be answered by a single command, see FAQs. $topservy: ($tsy) Server ladder for characters with the most of keys. They may not exceed 15 MB.[2]. Divorce a character and receive their value in kakera. This command is used to add customized descriptions or notes to your waifus and husbandos. List of users who left the servers with characters/wishes/kakera. On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. There are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'exploringbits_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');When you have 15 waifus then the Mudae bot will create a list that will contain the popularity of the waifus and the points that are associated with them. Your list of badges (mudapins, event badges, kakera badges, and other special badges). Or $top #. Get the Discord role ID by enabling the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance), then right click on the role name. $likeclear: clear your list after confirmation. $claimreact: (moderator) Customize the rolls emojis. Photos of real life figurines or merchandise are not allowed. The support community will help you from other people in the community and whenever you are stuck then you have someone to ask. Hide the emoji indicating a character is disabled (for $im/$mmi). However, its important to note that the size of the images can vary depending on the source. $setinterval: (admin + server premium II) Change the exact minute of the claim/rolls reset. $togglekakerarolls: (admin) Display or not the kakera value during rolls. This will force the divorce of an owned character (without giving kakera to the owner). $wishpurge: remove doubles and already claimed characters (or $wpx to purge while keeping wishes for characters claimed by yourself), Use $wishd instead of $wish to instantly delete your message, Use $wishl instead of $wish to lock your wish (effects: not affected by $wp and $wpx), Use $wishk instead of $wish to wish for more kakera (effects: +220 kakera instead of +200 with Silver IV bonus, mentions/DM disabled when the character spawns and not considered as a wish for the wishprotect kakeraloot feature), To remove a series from your $disablelist, use $enable or $enableall. Helpful information about Mudae Discord bot, including Mudae commands, invite link, support server and reviews. It is a great way to make new friends and exchange ideas. Patreon T1 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge) Autoactivation: Join Mudae's main server: Then, link your Discord account to Patreon: you will be mentionned in a channel about the activation commands. Only Player Premium and kakeraloots/kakeratowers let you use lower values than the ones mentioned above (thus disabling more characters). (/ma). Custom images are not subject to any of the rules listed here; these rules only apply to the official pictures for each character. $perstogglereact 1: During your rolls, reactions are automatically added under public wishes only. When images are hosted on Imgur, submitters ultimately have control over the image, and may choose to delete the image from their account at a later date. List of possible colors, per order of value: purple, blue, teal, green, yellow, orange, red, rainbow, light. Reset your rolls for the current hour (collect them with $vote and $daily). $renamelikelist: Change the title of your likelist. Bot settings. Syntax to swap: $cr swap $ , Syntax to reset all your emojis (default emojis will be used again): $cr reset, See your customized list with $kakerareact list, Reset a color to its default value with $kakerareact reset. $fullresetdisable: clean the disabled lists of all users. $topservyb: ($tsyb) Server ladder for users with the best key level per character. This feature is unlimited if both the gifter and the receiver spent 8000 kakera on badges (and with this, unlocked multi-trading). Unlocked with $kt. Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 18, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 15, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 10 ($setrolls 13 on some old servers), Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 13, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 10, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 8, Depending on your $togglereact and $perstogglereact options, this base value is lowered by 1 during high traffic hours, which is between 12pm UTC and 7am UTC (PST Time: 4am to 11pm), 120 = two hour interval between each claim (server premium I). This value is automatically doubled for slash commands (if no one flooded too much between your rolls). If your crop is nearing or touching nipple you've included too far. Collect kakera and earn advantages for the marry roulette! Add letters to some commands if you want to display different details. $togglesilent 0: (default value) When using a disabled command, the bot will send a message to tell you how the command is disabled. If you want claimed characters to appear more often during YOUR rolls, lower the value ($personalrare 1). $alias2: Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. Add a $ to separate different characters. $top #1500. Random waifu or husbando. Aaron Donald It stands for marry. It doesn't bypass the commands $togglehentai, $togglehorror or $serverdisable. We recommend using the desktop version. Server character ranking by top 15 ranked characters. These effects are only applied during high traffic hours. Step 2 - Now, you can select in which server you want to add Mudae Bot and after selecting click on continue. After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description. DMs an embed with a command list (just like this article). Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of custom images. The Mudae world already offers endless options for entertainment on Discord. Answer: Mudae bot is one of the most popular bots on Discord. Discord is home to many entertaining bots and mods. Use $tsv id to display user IDs. $resetalias2: (admin) Reset all $alias2 for a user's characters OR unclaimed characters. $haremcopy : (player premium II) Copy your harem on another server, under conditions. This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server (after conversion of the badges and towers) as well as your kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). Completely erase the kakeraloots of someone without refunding. Use $release without arguments to see your stock. [2], Some series from the Memes bundle are allowed to contain fanart, but you must source the artist of the image. $settimer: (admin) Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character. This is a global list. Note that you can just use $limroul 1 1 1 1 to be safe with your lowest limits. This article is a stub. If you are one of them and do not have the bot on your server then wait no more, invite the bot to your server from the invite link mentioned below (this post is not sponsored lol xD). $rollsleft 3: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT doesn't appear anymore. Along with the usual Flags, you can also use $sld- to hide duplicate characters on your soulmate list. 10/10 would trap people in my basement again. $randomimg 2: Images are only random for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters. Use $setpermission kakerarefund charowner to allow users to refund themselves. Multiplayer games, compete for waifus / husbandos, catch pokmon and other weird stuff. $quotimage: Random quote followed by a random image. Sun Baby is also an exception to the IRL rule. $kakeracopy : (player premium II) Copy your kakera/kakeraloots/badges on another server, under conditions. Wished series are not affected by kakera bonuses. Navigate to the Integration section on the left side panel. This will refund all the kakera this user invested in kakera badges (kakera badge levels will drop to 0). $thanosall scrap: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. token - The user token for the account you want to bot on. $setchannel: (admin) Archaic version of $channeldeny. Use $setpermission addimg charowner to allow this command for the character owners. Premium x60 images (3 characters) I will create and send the 20 custom images, sized and cleaned, fast and easy. From . Randomly divorce half of the harem of someone. $blacktea: Turn-based word game inspired by bombparty. You will be mentioned when the characters are rolled. $fnp $ to also search by character name. They are hidden on my account.Canva was only shown because I did not have the image downloaded before the tutorial, but that's where I design my game streaming layouts The bot has been compared to manga, anime, and video games due to its roulette game, which has an impressive 80,000 characters. It has come to my attention that the Whacka from the Paper Mario series is not currently a character that can be rolled The minimum value is 10 and maximum value is 45. $rollsleft 1: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT appears just above the image. $togglereact 1: reactions and buttons are never automatically added under the rolls of characters. Replace by the corresponding HEX code, For multiple characters, separate them with a $, Add s to color series ($ecs Series$Color), Add p to color by $mm page ($ecp Page(s)$Color), Add n to color characters by note ($ecn Note(s)$Color), Add all to color ALL your characters ($ecall Color), Use $ec$mm to color everything listed with the harem flag ($ec$mmh re:zero$ will color all your husbandos from re:zero). $wishseries: (player premium) Be mentioned for each character of the series. $tuarrange: Customize the informations displayed with $timersup. $pr serv 435763044120002561, $colorpr: Change the embed color (side line) of your $pr. If youre fond of the idea but unsure how to go about it, youve come to the right place. Use $tsy id to display user IDs. $toggleirl: Disable/enable series with IRL people for your rolls. All reviews are moderated by moderators. To get the Discord full ID, enable the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance/behavior) then right click on their icon. I will create and send the 40 custom images, you can send specific artworks! Images may be cropped to exclude visible nudity. $beam : Blow up what you hate. Muda-02 is a private bot on the Mudae server that receives and submits new images. Its fun but it will destroy your friendships. All settings are set within the Settings_Mudae.json File. Mudae allows me to keep my favorite characters locked in my basement. $join: Link to join Mudae on her server and get more infos. The character rolled is random irrespective of the fact whether they are male (husbandos) or female (waifus) or both. 10/10 would play again. From there, you can use the search bar in the top-right corner to find the command you need. Displays key information, rewards, and commands. $togglereact 0: (default value) reactions are only added under public wishes. The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time within one month. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . For multiple characters, separate them with a $. This kind of roll will not reward keys or the gold key bonus (if you roll your own character). This command affects everyone in your server and has a cooldown of 3 hours. Change your claim message. Mudae bot is ideal for anime, video game, and manga fans. Anime. It stands for waifu and is exactly the same as the $m command. So use this command to build up a collection of husbandos for yourself. Discord is a platform, which allows users to send and receive voice, video, and images. Once you get the hang of Mudae commands, youll be able to enjoy the server in all its glory. $thanosall requiem: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. Wishseries aren't considered as wishes for this command. $dailykakera: Earn a daily amount of kakera. Using Toyomi Fujiwara as the character whos image I'm trying to change and the servers prefix being "!w" instead of "$", how would the input look like if I'm trying to change the image to image 6? $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls. Make and customize your own collection bound to the Discord server you are playing on: compete with your friends to get the best unique collection!
William Russell Matix And Michael Lee Platt, Articles M