oddly, many of my liberal race-is-a-social-construct friends advocate mixing all races together to achieve a beige standard presumably that would be the most outbred therefore their beige ideal may harbor the same (or worse) suicidal-to-humans tendency seen in (overly) well-outbred types perhaps the beige group would defer to different mammals:) dont have a lot of data on the mating patterns of european jews, yet. Your email address will not be published. Zagreb in Croatia scores 105.7, while Rome scores a bit lower (103.8), Click to access Average%20IQ%20values%20in%20various%20European%20countries.pdf. For instance the guestimate map of inbreeding seems to not explain why Scandinavians are known for genetic disorders like Haemochromatosis and Huntingtons diseases. In its report for 2014, the CIAs world factbook indicated that debt levels were beginning to reduce, with the latest figure being 89 percent of economic output. Our survival depends on establishing exclusive homelands for only ourselves. Annual visitors: 38. Turns out that the blond one (dont know where that came fromgenetics is weird) is 29% Asian and the one that actually looks a bit Asian is just 22%. To me both perspectives are foolish in their own ways. 0.2% for protestants). ), went down a unique historical trajectory because of it, Razib Khan recently objected to HBD Chick, Transparency Internationals 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, HBD Chicks european consanguinity bibliography, consanguinity in england north vs. south, more on consanguinity in england (and scotland), cousin marriage in 13th-15th century england, mating patterns in medieval/early modern scotland, early and late medieval irish mating practices, mating patterns, family types, and clannishness in twentieth century ireland, runs of homozygosity in the irish population, more on mating patterns from deutschland (and switzerland), feuds, tournaments, and reproductive success in medieval germany (franconia), exogamous marriage in northern medieval italy, mating patterns in medieval eastern europe, traditional family systems in medieval russia, russians, eastern europeans, runs of homozygosity (roh), and inbreeding, inbreeding in 18th and 19th century sweden, medieval germanic kindreds and the ditmarsians | hbd* chick, more on medieval germanic kindreds | hbd* chick, ibd rates and kindreds in germanic populations, historic european homicide rates and the hajnal line, traditional family systems in medieval britain and ireland, national individualism-collectivism scores, fairly unique pathologies found in the Muslim world, Those Who Can See: Arabs and Liberal Democracy: A Primer, abridged history of cousin marriage in china, see monogamy, serial monogamy, and polygamy | hbd* chick, see:good civicness vs. bad civicness | hbd* chick, the least of which being the effects of manorialism, of strong states, and of internal population replacement ala Gregory Clark/Ron Unz, the flatlanders vs. the mountain people | hbd* chick, big summary post on the hajnal line | hbd* chick, Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred Gene Expression, Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred 2 Gene Expression | DiscoverMagazine.com, national individual-collectivism scores | hbd* chick, national individualism-collectivism scores | hbd* chick, HBD: An Abbreviated History of Quisqueya and the Rise of Todays Dominicans (and Haitians) :: Concourse Expressions, Do The White Elite Dream Of Mulatto Sheep? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. What's the most forested country in the world? Therein, they produced this map: The average IBD rates for each of the countries sampled is shown. The eye color of blue-eyed humans is the result of a genetic variation that took place thousands of years ago. ), but in nineteenth century alsace-lorraine, the cousin marriage rate for jews was only 2.3% (compared to ca. If you have some other information, please share it. 25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred. Greece is only one example of a growing number of countries whose debt levels are considered by many to be unsustainable. New research shows that people with blue eyes are related to one another. 67% of Saudi Arabians are inbred. The Most Inbred Family In America - Eskify Even though they mostly dont marry first or second cousins, they do end up marrying third and fourth cousins a lot, because everyone there is related at that level. to compare average IQs of different European cities. We have often used Europe and the Middle East as examples of this, because strong regional variations in historic rates of inbreeding exist in those places. Swedes score deceptively high on individualism, but in reality there is a politically correct conformism. Inbreeding is the production of offspring from the mating or breeding of individuals or organisms that are closely related genetically. However, the genetic data we have analyzed so far does support HBD Chicks hypothesis. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Yeah Canada leading the western world in inbreeding is no surprise really. (good for you! You do see the links in the post, yes? The Dominican Republics Catholicism is more orthodox, and thus people are more likely to observe the cousin-marriage ban. runs of homozygosity in the irish population (therere some data there on the swedes). Spain is on the fence because most of its immigrants are from its former colonies in Latin America.). High inbreeding in Russia and low in Holland?hahahaha Go ahead he said marry your cousin its alright. State debt in Lebanon has exploded over recent years, driven primarily by a slowing economy. Inbreeding can lead to a higher risk of genetic problems or chromosomal abnormalities in a child, as the genes that control traits may be the same in both parents, leading to passing down the same genetic trait. However, it could (and almost certainly does) signal the degree of inbreeding in the populations mating history. Particular among these variations is the history of Northwestern Europe, which had unique in the world a long history of avoiding inbreeding. The Most Hated App in Europe - YouTube Y. Kleiman, DNA and Tradition (2004); E. Abel, Jewish Genetic Diseases (2001). Even the budget is not usually released for public view. BrunoMcGyver said: I'm not a bigot. Some of the countries with the highest rates of inbreeding include Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, and Israel. This attitude worked great back in the middle ages and it might be good to keep out floods of immigrants but it leaves something to be desired in a world where so many countries have nuclear arsenals. Bulgars moved in 7th century, country founded Europe | History, Countries, Map, & Facts - Encyclopedia Britannica The defence minister said in comments . mating patterns in medieval eastern europe and western european societal values, England: According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, antidepressant use increased by nearly two and a half times from 2000 to 2020 in 18 European countries. what is the most inbred country in europe - vivelive.ai you decide whether or not ive been cherry-picking: inbreeding in sweden The idea came up during a meeting in the Netherlands late last year, with participants agreeing on the urgent need to establish "a common lunar reference time . Read some history and genetics for a f* sake. A small percentage of marriages in the US are between cousins. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Peter Frost described something similar. As well, supporting the notion that some European countries possess distinct regional variation within them in how inbred their populations are, we have these pieces: For Britain (from traditional family systems in medieval britain and ireland | hbd* chick): And Spain (from here and here, respectively): Reinforcing the pattern we see across Europe and much of the world are the results of the Worlds Values Survey: The Northwestern European countries are in a group by themselves. Even though they mostly dont marry first or second cousins, they do end up marrying third and fourth cousins a lot, because everyone there is related at that level. runs of homozygosity in the irish population, France: On the other hand weve got the more inbred folks who are family focused, patriotic, but somehow also hate the government for anything it does that isnt about defending the borders and teaching other groups whos boss. Lots of Russian blood inflow during Communist era Its about whether or not the total population is sub-divided into thousands of mini populations who marry their own close cousins. The debt rate is still showing no sign of declining. Perhaps Slovenia, a bit of a paradox here, can also be a case of smooth inbreeding but of a higher degree than Sweden and Japan. parental education and awareness of inbreeding consequences have played large roles in minimizing inbreeding frequencies in areas like Europe . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Pingback: Do The White Elite Dream Of Mulatto Sheep? near-diaspora after 1989, with lots of in/outs from various countries across Europe. (As well, many might note that HBD Chicks analysis generally doesnt focus on sub-Saharan Africa much. Due to mountains, large distances between villages, dangerous climate and overall poverty. Since then, the figure is widely estimated to have risen above 120 percent, with the economy continuing to contract until last year and then only slowly returning to growth. The high indebtedness is in part linked to significant expenditure on the countrys defence budget, which has been considerable ever since Eritrea fought a war with Ethiopia in the 1990s. The Middle East, Central South Asia and the Americas have the highest levels of inbred individuals. Dibang Baral, a sixth standard student didn't know anything . Perhaps the conformism in Sweden is the results of everyone being more or less related rather than small groups being highly related? Like many royal families, the Habsburgs made strategic . 54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred. so, you guys seem to have applied the outbreeding practices very seriously from ca. The frequency of first cousin marriages in Portugal may lie between 1 and 2 per cent. i really need to work on compiling the data for scandinavia. Southern Europe is generally considered to include Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece, parts of France, and countries in the southern part of Eastern Europe, like Croatia and Albania. Later under Ottoman rule for centuries Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Is that Ottoman influence, or what? Ill be honest, Ive no idea how youre able to synthesize all these data into posts like these, given your other preoccupations (Dont know about you, but for me, writing an HBD post is like a class project do the research, write the paper, cite the sources, etc. neither haemochromatosis nor huntingtons have anything to do with close cousin marriages, which, as jayman pointed out, is what we mean by inbreeding in this context. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? ), since all of that was also dependent upon europes medieval agricultural system and manorialism and all of the subsequent, and consequent, economic developments since then. Deep budget cuts were made by the government to pay back the debts of the old banks, but total debt still amounted to 118.9 percent of GDP, in 2012. See: A Tale of Two Maps Those Italians Welcome Readers from Portugal! The selective pressures in these inbred societies were different, hence they retain a different set of behavioral traits. One of these was that it was somehow bad to marry your cousin. 3 or 4 the irish There is of course the obstacle of measures. But that may not be so much of a problem. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. A major problem exacerbating the crisis is the civil war in neighboring Syria, which not only threatens to draw Lebanon into the conflict, but has also resulted in a cooling of relations between Lebanon and the Gulf states, where a considerable amount of financing came for the Lebanese economy. As such, according to HBD Chicks hypothesis, the region went down a unique historical trajectory because of it. Ottoman influence, Islam in Bosnia and Kosovo, the whole country is mountainous, religious rivalries limit peoples mating pools even within villages, etc. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Fair in Nepal helps students learn more about cultural diversity in country Indeed. At least with the former two, a key problem is that we dont know what the regional breakdown would look like, and as my map makes clear, there should be a sharp regional divergence in historic inbreeding rates across these countries. By Antonia Leonard May 31, 2022 Data on inbreeding in several contemporary human populations are compared, showing the highest local rates of inbreeding to be in Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel. However, first cousin marriage particularly the highly incestuous fathers brothers daughter type is still the rule in the Muslim world, which means that they should be far more inbred than even the most inbred Europeans could hope to be. both diseases can, of course, get concentrated in inbred lineages, but the inbreeding does not cause either of them. How Inbred are Europeans? | JayMan's Blog However, one incongruity appears to be Italy, and to a lesser extent, Spain and Greece. Second, although not made clear in the post (and perhaps in hindsight, it should be), when we say a population is inbred, we dont necessarily mean that the average fellow in this population is more related to one of his compatriots than people in another population. for instance, once the reformation happened, most of the newly minted protestant nations allowed cousin marriage again (because it isnt prohibited in the bible), but sweden did NOT. It doesnt, but such a high drop (103->95) is unlikely. They have a large (albeit, historically isolated) population, so perhaps that help to selection out clannishness? Age: 34 (1819-1853) Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The following list of the top 12 indebted countries around the world is based on public debt as a percentage of GDP. 1000-1200 onwards. It also occurred to me that violence should be adjusted for social control if we want to establish the characteristics of a people. Keep in mind that Ashkenazi Jews are all descended from European shicksas. work you are making an old intelligence researcher learn (new tricks:) or at least ask new questions which is the best trick of all:), @panjoomby the point is different genetic material is being inbred into each system so, different inputs (even with the same catalyzing inbreeding pattern/formula) may yield different results?. So Montenegro and Albania are more inbred than Iceland? Inbreeding by Country 2023 Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel are the most inbred country in the world Inbreeding statistics by state The U.S has a low inbreeding rate of about 0.1 to 0.2% only 700 words. Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel have the highest local rates of inbreeding among contemporary humans. Indeed, this plot excellently follows the east-west divide that exists in Europe, and does an excellent job of catching the north-south divide as well. There is also data that suggests otherwise. Many articles point out that in absolute, monetary terms, the United States has the highest level of debt, but it is also the largest economy so that is hardly surprising. The crisis resulted in the virtual collapse of the countrys financial system, an outcome that was prevented only by a multi-billion bank bailout organised by the government. Figures for the remainder are (in %): Italy (78), Austria (73), France (65), Norway (56),. Whereas if youre stuck in one place, even if youre trying to out-breed, sooner or later everyones your cousin. Countries in Europe - How Many Countries Are - SchengenVisaInfo.com If everyone was ambiguously brown, the resulting behavior from the thesis wouldnt be suicidal the problem is equal treatment towards people who fail to return the favor, which wouldnt happen in the former case. Have you read Greg Cochrans and Paul Ewalds paper on pathogens? And people who didnt transfer their loyalty to the state probably got killed, too. We have two copies of most of our genes, one from mom and one from dad, which is why we call itcessive. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Laboratory of Genetics Faculty of Philosophy , University of Paran , Curitiba , Brazil, /doi/epdf/10.1080/19485565.1982.9988479?needAccess=true, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. While in 2013 the economy grew at just 2 percent, the debt burden rose by 10 percent. The family tree of the Habsburgs, a German-Austrian ruling family whose domain stretched from Portugal to Transylvania, is a tangled one. There is evidence that heterozygosity is something that humans actively select for in mates, as well as selecting genetically dissimilar partners to produce more heterozygous offspring. (please ignore my shortened comment, something with my WP password) I cant agree with some parts of the inbreedness map. Overall, the general pattern appears to be considerably longer history of outbreeding in Northwestern Europe and progressively shorter one as you move outward from there. @helvena: As said in the post, the guestimate isnt without basis in the evidence. Persian conquest in 600 BC A Guardian article published in 2013 noted that the number of women dying in childbirth had almost doubled since 1990, while the number of children completing primary school fell by over 25 percent. Around 73% of its land area is covered with forests a. 3099067 Some, unfortunately, were woefully small. I dont think White Americas conservative future will provoke Armageddon. They are not especially intelligent (IQ 95) but have less corruption and violence than most countries, especially for that IQ-level. There are several historical correlates with this pattern. Crusades moved through our lands, leaving lot of genes in the pool But there was only a certain number of royal families out there. To avoid state bankruptcy, Iceland agreed to a loan from the IMF of over $2 billion, a vast sum for a country whose total economy only amounts to around $10 billion. But it is one factor among many in shaping the selective forces acting upon a people. meanwhile, in france Inbreeding led to the demise of the Spanish royal dynasty. This is an all-round excellent summary you put together here Jayman. Yours is an interesting question; perhaps differences in inbreeding/outbreeding may have some explanatory power re: differences between Dominicans and Haitians (and elsewhere in the Caribbean and Central/South America, areas that Im either actively researching or will research in due time). Because of this, many countries have laws in place to prevent first cousins from marrying, though some countries do allow it. That said, I suspect that Eastern Ashkenazis are more inbred than Western Ashkenazis to the extent that that means anything. They are thought to be related to one another by genetics and biologically. What are the inbreeding rates for European Jews? Its like the key bit from the post, man! Children of consanguineous parents are more likely to be undersized or premature. There are two things. The debt trap initially began due to the islands reliance on imports for basic daily necessities, and when prices for these rose sharply in the early 1980s, it produced a disaster. The lists are commonly used in economics literature to compare the levels of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious fractionalization in different countries. mating patterns in medieval/early modern scotland, Ireland: Still, while all royals carried dangerous genes, most were born relatively healthy. Their father is from the Netherlands. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". the law of jante No typical hair color, face or body features and structure, nothing common. but what about the english? Recently John Stossel the Libertarian Fox News anchor had a show in which he debunked certain popular myths. | murderbymedia2, Pingback: A study in inbreeding So I Moved to London, Pingback: Foundations of civilization London. However, one incongruity appears to be Italy, and to a lesser extent, Spain and Greece. So the high IBD rates would probably much rather be attributed to the rapid growth rather than inbreeding. Mine is just one other point of view, though one that feels alien to almost everyone. kinship in anglo-saxon society ii there was a secular law that continued the ban up to the mid-1800s (which mustve applied at some points also in denmark and/or norway? These divisions have had great significance for the past and present of these countries and the countries they sired. The offspring of inbreds are likely to have physical defects and inherit diseases. I think you may have hit the nail on the head. If you imagine a population with maximal out-breeding the average level of relatedness of that population at the end of the process will be different for a population of 100,000, or one million or ten million..
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