You dont go through the apprehension anxiety. Do you know you mix ratio? Trimix Injections are used as a second-line treatment when oral ED medications dont work. If proper dosage and administration instructions, precautions, and so on are observed, however, the vast majority of people taking Trimix do not experience any such complications. d. Turn the vial with needle and syringe inserted upside down. However, the vast majority of persons taking Trimix do not experience any such issues if the proper dosage and administration instructions, precautions, and other guidelines are followed. Lyophilized. I once took two 60mg pills trying to get my erections down, but my erections did not subside. Oneof our HW members who recently moved into an apartment building full of 40 something divorcees and this predicament has pushed him over the injection objection question as he is now trying this wonder drug. They come in very small vials of dry Trimix for mixing when needed so you dont have to refrigerate a large batch. Next injection was 10 units it was 4 hrs,since then I have used 4 to 6 units worked ok 2 to 3hrs.Last week I used 6 units and it lasted almost 6hrs.headed ER.but released before I arived . Can you doible check those doses you are taking? Injection Therapy Guide for Erectile Dysfunction - menMD Sadly I will never drill concrete with my stick, even a bowl of jello is a challenge. Anyony know Dr. who will prescribe trimix in North Carolina? The resulting erection most often lasts for one to two hours, and may or may not go away after orgasm or ejaculation. What are the short and long term side effects of using trimix/bi-mix? Since The single dose of caverject causes pain, or aching in some, I elected to go straight to Trimix. Some guys are hypersensitive to Trimix. Trial-and-error ensued, and I finally settled at 8 units. I believe it is papaverine, phentolamine and alprostadil (prostaglandin). You will inject Tri-mix into your penis using a small needle. I use the Ambimed Inject-eaze with 0.5ml, 31ga, 5/16 BD insulin syringes. If my wife were to read it I most likely would have no need to inject in the future, Post Edited (KickintheButt) : 10/2/2011 2:37:31 PM (GMT-6), Post Edited (KickintheButt) : 10/2/2011 3:54:47 PM (GMT-6), What a great and funny report. I did learn to French-kiss at forty-something, butthings just werent the same. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. What Are TriMix Injections? | Erectile Dysfunction | Olympia Pharmacy I suggest with the pump you concentrate on increasing the length a little extra each day -- just to the point of discomfort. However, the most common question people usually have about Trimix dosage is, How many units of Trimix should I take? In this guide, we will help to answer that question and explore why there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Great post and story. I have no pain from the injections. Just like with the Tempur-pedic bed, *you* set the firmness. What's Your Experience? It has 120mg of Pseudoephedrine. After injection, the puncture site should be compressed and the corpora cavernosa massaged to facilitate drug distribution. For the second dose, I went for 30 units. Thats why you should never rely on Internet searches or articles like this alone to determine how many units of Trimix are suitable. New to trimix. Injectable medications have been used since 1983 and are considered by the American Urologic Association to be one of the most effective non-surgical solutions for ED (American Urological Association, 2018). MenMD Injection Therapy Animation Video on Vimeo While other posters are talking about the doses, I want to give some information about the number of injections you should take. please complete the form below. Very important that the penis is fully flaccid/soft when injecting. I tried again, 15 units this time and bang! I went to sleep after almost 2 solid hours of mind blowing sex. It is a teeny-weeny dose, but it is sufficient for me. Trimix vs bimix: My doctor prescribed - Erectile Dysfunct Great comments. In addition to a host of precautions regarding how frequently to use Trimix, and other medications to avoid while using Trimix (e.g., oral ED medications), most prescribers will discuss an appropriate starting dose, the amount by which patients can increase dosage each time, and an upper limit of how many units of Trimix to take in any single administration. Proper administration reduces or eliminates any potential side effects or injuries that may otherwise occur to the penis with injection. Trimix Dosage. A starting dose of between 5 and 20 units of Trimix. Yes, if your nerves were spared, the use of injections, which stimulate the flow of blood to the penis, may help the recovery of your natural erections. Anyway, I got a urologist who thought it was a swell idea. Pull back on the syringe plunger in a slow and steady motion until the prescribed dosage is achieved. Got as high as 1.5 but 1.2 seems about. The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not thoroughly mixed prior to every use to ensure uniformity of solution. Trimix contains only three of the ingredients; alprostadil, papaverine and phentolamine. It comes in a cooler along with a supply of needles, and alcohol swabs. When administering an injection, especially in such a delicate location, always employ good cleanliness and safety precautions. Trimix is a prescription medication, and naturally has risks associated with it. This adventure of PCa is all over the board and only by sharing our discoveries as patients and families can the whole, holistic, and quality of life story be pieced together. Maybe you went in too far. A word of advice is to thoroughly warm up the medication before injecting into the penis. A little sore. I'm at 36 units and my doc said I could go up to 40. You should be sure to ask them any questions or seek any clarifications to ensure you are only administering the correct dosage, as higher dosages carry an increased risk of side effects including erections that require medical attention. (He says to tell all you guys that it can be done. Once again, how could you measure that small of an amount? I never recovered the ability to get a natural erection even using Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis, but they did improve blood flow. Other methods have *not been proven* to do this. Video marketing. Consult your doctor if you're thinking about buying Trimix and trying to determine if it's the appropriate choice for you. Trimix is an erectile dysfunction treatment that is designed for local injection into the penis. It should be at room temperature. Hi all, new guy here to Injection therapy. 2. I took. I've tried the same way each time. Men's Health Blog: The Art of Titrating and Optimizing Penile Injection I had that wrong, start at .2cc, so 20 units. Then we can move on to discussing how many units of Trimix are typically prescribed for patients. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me why you can only do 3 doses/week? Nothing gets done in the human body without a signal. Fast forward to the two-minute mark for the information. Hi, Has Radical Postectomy 14 months ago. By doing so, and observing the precautions, administration instructions, and dosage guidelines set by your prescriber, you will likely see satisfactory erections suitable for sex, without the painful and potentially dangerous side effects like persistent or painful erections, priapism, or damage to the penis. I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier. With injections I found adding some constriction around the base of the penis while doing the injection and for three minutes after, makes a big difference to the reliability. Thought the first time must have hit a vein but second time was sure to miss a vein but still aching heaps. At first, I was disheartened that it isnt THAT important to him, but I think the shot thing has him spooked. I then went to .5 units, got some enlargement but not enough for erections. I am an extremely healthy man age 69 yo. My operation was nerve soaring on one side. For many guys, this is a more interesting and approachable option than having awkward in-person conversations with their doctors. By contrast, this same amount may last for 25 doses for someone taking only 20 units per dose. Each formulation is designed for each individual. Go talk with the doc again. Any of those might be a hopeful sign for eventual recovery. Copyright 2016 All rights reserved. She wants to see how big and how hard we can make my erection. There are people in the group who are very knowledgeabe about this subject, although, like me, they are not docs. Though the administration method is different, Trimix works following the same general mechanisms of oral ED medications like Viagra and Cialis specifically, relaxation of blood vessels and improving blood flow. Most men start to see an erection resulting in as little as 5 minutes, which typically increases in rigidity over the course of 20 minutes or so. I find it works well. It black and blue last 2 times sinc using the super strong trimix. You are using an out of date browser. Intracavernous injection of Trimix (Tx) is indicated for patients unsuitable for prostaglandin E 1 (PgE 1) injection due to lack of response, pain or cost. But that was just a dry run.. No, the first injection may have punctured the urethra or other tissue. There is trial and error with trimix and dosage, but once you get the sweet spot; your life will change. as a corner store clerk it was 6 months before i had the free capital, $200, to make the appointment. Love to have more, but it aint happening for me. I have settled on high quality single use insulin syringes. You must feel the needle penetrate twice. Woke up with priaprisim and wound up in ER. I had never had an interest in online conversation, but I felt I had an almost sacred duty to tell the world about this miracle cure for ED. My uro started me on 40 units. As I'm trying to find the right dosing, i have not attempted sex, once i find i will be ready the next day, or same day, then i need to wait, that would be my only thought for viagra, agree, hate those side affects. Make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up VERY WELL prior to every injection. Trimix is administered intravenously. mL or milliliters a measure of liquid volume, equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter (cc). The only option is to purchase Trimix from a reliable, regulated pharmacy with a prescription. I suspect a lot of his problem is in his head, as he does have erections during sleep. Miracle drug, just 8 units and rock hard for hour and 1/2. For example, a 10% solution of Trimix for the same effective 20 mcg/20 units dose would come with instructions to administer 200 mcg or 2 ccs/mLs of the diluted medication. I read many forums regarding Trimix, like this one, before visiting my urologist and getting Trimix prescription and learned from others posts so here goes. An injection is usually in the middle third of the penis shaft, on alternating sides and avoiding all veins, around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity. He may not need trimix at all! TriMix Injection Side Effects - Olympia Pharmacy I definitely recommend trying this, were both looking forward to the next time, honestly it was amazing, after 10 months of still great sex with toys etc theres nothing like the real thing. i went with .15 injected at 825pm. I only ever injected a single time per episode, but if you did not inject enough with the first injection, as long as you don't inject more than is needed with the second (and you immediately re-inject at a different location), I would not think there should be a bad . My urologist started me out on 0.30 and nothing, I went up to 0.35 and I was in it to win. And please repost more experiences, especially if you convince her to bring her friends or sisters over lol. You must have different strength trimix. Trimex Injection or Trimex Gel - TheBody Leah, your posts are always informative, insightful, and a pleasant read. Actually, I think the injections do have a positive effect on Viagra. And I will have to remember to switch sides the urologist never mentioned that one. An open discussion on Erectile Dysfunction. Feedback desired. is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ??? QuadMix Injection for ED | Empower Pharmacy New video added to the list. Sometimes it takes a couple of attempts to get over the freaked-outedness enough for it to work. Folks,on August 13th Illbe celebrating myfirst anniversary of participating in online conversation. dr recommended .3 of a dose to start after reading all the info here i decided that that dose was to much. We are doing it right. It is only suitable for patients who have had no success with oral ED medications. Stumbled on this site by accident looking for a new compounding pharmacy for some of my patients. see, see, told ya! You Doubting Thomases can learn a lot from this lucky guy. Trimix has been shown to be very successful in treating ED, especially in men, for whom oral medications have not been effective. We all need some humor, but I also feel your warmth and your wisdom. An open discussion on Erectile Dysfunction. The initial dose should be 0.05 cc to 0.2 cc, depending on the level of ED. It will bend, as if its hitting a hard spot. Yes, you can have long erections with Trimix. Buy Trimix injection online for direct application on the penis makes it frequently more efficient at causing an erection suitable for sex than oral ED therapies. dosage prescribed by your doctor, filling this volume with air. Still the erection lasted almost 6 hours before relenting. For those of us that have been there can really appreciate the report. PDF PENILE INJECTION INSTRUCTIONS - Potomac Urology I assume you know that Trimix is a mix of papaverine (vasodilator), phentolamine (alpha-blocker), and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), a variant of alprostadil. I went tried 1 units that was too much -erection lasted three hours.. What Is Trimix? - How To Use Trimix Injection Properly All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction. They still leave with a starting dose and titration scale for home but it is reduced. Do You REALLY need to take TRIMIX? by Dbarranch1 Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:01 am . I can speak with experience that, yes, trimix is wonderful. The other two friends that have been accompanying me for several years now are diabetes and hypertension. Many of us are fighting this battle, including yours truly. different side of the penis and perhaps using a smaller dose? As the name suggests, Trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. Sticking a needle Where? Trimix #12 (10mcg/30mg/4mg) /mL Trimix #16 (100mcg/30mg/6mg) /mL Syringe and Dose Volume ICI medications are injected into the penis using a very small needle, the same type of needle and syringe diabetics use to inject insulin. Anyone used it after a year frozen? When I initially postedto abulletin board I was looking tospread the gospel of penile injections for ED,andI thought that would be the end ofit. First time I tried it with my wife, the was AMAZED and her first words were I can work with this!!. Inject this medicine very slowly into your penis as shown to you by your doctor 10 to 30 minutes before intercourse. Trimix Intraurethal Gel - Needleless ED Treatment - Tache Pharmacy Now this was SEX!!! This article will assist in answering that question and examining the reasons there is no universally applicable solution. Alternate right and left side of penis with each injection. I have been using Tri Mix for several months. Try NOT to have longer erections because this can damage the penile tissue. Get the TRUTH about Trimix. I am 52 and this stuff will works once you get the correct amount I am using 20 units and it will last till my wife saysI give and can't take it anymore. In this video, our expert at The Novus Center, Stephanie Wolff, explains the pros and cons of. Could I have used it past its expiration date for vials not opened. In particular, a man who gets decent erections while he is asleep but struggles during sex, even with chemical assistance, is probably anxious. Follow the step-by-step instructions below. anybody got a woman pregant here while being on TRT 1+ year? Vasectomy - Have You Had One? How to know before marriage that you are sexually fit? Cost for 3 month supply is $16 each injection. Overview of TriMix Injection Dosage Strengths of TriMix Injection. I get my Trimix by fedex. i am a 42yr old type 1 diabetic. I suspect that when you injected and got no results you missed and when you injected and it wouldn't go down you were possibly ingesting a Nitric Oxide booster. You should look and feel your best all the time. I havent had prostrate surgery or such; but am impotent due to blood pressure and anti depressives. Hmmthat was some history, but my friend, you are not alone. Often trimix works better when you inject at home. I have begun to experiment with taking 40 - 50 mg of Viagra 45 min prior to injecting and injecting about 75% of regular dose..I have found that now Viagra has a stronger effect compared to how it acted before I started injections. MEDICATION Overuse, such as taking too much medication, raises the chance of priapism/erections necessitating immediate medical attention. Also, I wasnt using all of my vials but because it had a shelf life, I would discard it. I went and they did a sonar test to hear my blood flow. My wife and I can have good intercourse, but I cannot reach a climax. Trimix is all I need. I had to adjust mine several times in the first few weeks,, I think my member forgot what it was like to stand up strait at first but not any more. Our job is to make that easy and affordable. Trimix Injection Price Guide - Invigor Medical Many men find this a more appealing and approachable alternative to embarrassing in-person discussions with their doctors. I switched to Tri Mix and it has taken me a good two months, with sex once week, to figure out the dosage. Trimix, once injected, starts to work right away. It has been a Godsend. For injection dosage form: Adults1.25 to 60 micrograms (mcg) as a single dose once a day.
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