That night was no different as Akaashi repeated this action for the twentieth time that day, his thumb scrolling up and down for minutes on end until he finally came to a stop. His eyes read. He then reached out and took hold of Bokuto's arm to help him back to the bed. But he couldn't keep it up forever. ", "And then they'd turn my room upside down in an attempt to find me. Sometimes when I blink you aren't there anymore" Bokuto rubbed one of his eyes, then the other, and let his hand drop to his sides. "All I can say is that sleeping doesn't come as easily as it used to." I never said that I was.". I am weak.If anyone here has also watched, and enjoyed, the movie Cloud Atlas, then I hope this hits closer to home than usual.I really hope that whoever reads this enjoys. "I told you I had my moments every so often.". ", "His entire body was relaxed. Inhaling deeply, Akaashi lingered in place, then sat down in the empty seat next to Kuroo. Sarayu Suni - In Another Life: Bokuto's POV Lyrics - Genius He ascended those familiar steps, said hello to the familiar faces, and rounded that familiar corner that he knew would lead him to Bokuto's room. All he had to do was talk to someone, and in an instant, they would be involved in Bokuto's lively shenanigans once again. Unnerved, he spoke up again. Feeling that it would be rude to interrupt Bokuto's conversation with whoever the other person was, Akaashi strode over to the seats and sat one chair away from the gaming stranger. But then he spoke up again. "Keep in touch, Akaashi.". So he stayed in place, holding onto Bokuto, taking in his company for one last time before he'd never see him again. He felt like he could enjoy Kozume's company, what with how his words lacked all form of emotion. It was a surreal feeling, one that he could never in one million years describe. In another life, help : HaikyuuMemes - reddit I'm not sick, but this place makes me feel like I am." He removed his slippers and waited at the entrance for his friend to enter. He waved and jogged out, knowing that if he didn't hurry, he'd have to spend several more minutes trying to catch up to a wandering Kenma. He wouldn't show this, but Kuroo's words had hit him harder than he could ever imagine. The disembodied voice came from off screen. Akaashi literally found nothing special about Bokuto. Bokuto grumbled to himself. "Don't worry about it." "I guess I could find some time to talk every so often." "No, no, no, no-" He pulled away from the windowsill and ran out of his room, straight downstairs and to the front door. "They Aren't really there, are they?" His eyes were glued to Akaashi's, and Akaashi found that he was unable to look away. It works for me as well. No one could hear me. My home is not a place for you to be right now. "The liquid started flooding into my mouth and nose, and it wasn't until I was suffocating that I forced myself awake.". He zipped his jacket up to shield himself from the harsh winds that came his way and advanced forward. Akaashi eyeballed the small male for a long second, knowing that he wouldn't look up to catch him. His hands picked at the small lint rolls that stuck to his sheet. ], [Alright, well We'll just see about that.]. ], [You probably fell asleep. Bokuto no longer smelled like a hospital. Again, he felt the light tapping against his arm. Without hesitation, he ran across the court to retrieve the ball. I miss you especially, Bokuto. He spoke just loudly enough for Bokuto to hear him. He only accepted my company. "I'm fine." It took a moment for Bokuto to respond, but after some time, he managed some words. Are you feeling better?]. But Akaashi now couldn't find it in himself to sleep. left kudos on this work. He could sense the heavy amount of reluctance in each movement that Bokuto's hand carried out. Why?" Bokuto doesn't do well with those", "Ah" Kuroo looked at the ceiling, as if he would be able to see the clouds from there. He closed his eyes in a slow blink and kept his breathing quiet. "What doesn't?" Akaashi leaned over in his seat to move himself closer to Bokuto. Swiftly, Akaashi closed the window, having gathered just enough snow off the edge for him to show to Bokuto. He kept his eyes half-lidded and his movements reserved, clinging onto the false hope that Bokuto wasn't moving because he didn't want to wake him. Looking up at Akaashi with eager eyes, as if he'd been asked the question out of his own free will, Bokuto gladly answered. Just then, Akaashi's lips parted in realization. "You chose the perfect night." He smoothed his thumb over Bokuto's knuckles. "I thought you said you weren't ever going to set foot in here again." Bokuto held out his own, eager to see if it were true. A sheepish grin curled Akaashi's lips. That was six days ago. He watched the ball roll further away from them, and expected to see Bokuto trailing it, but instead saw nothing. Bokuto found himself smiling. Akaashi pointed down the road. ", "It's more than that!" "I understand. rockin' the west coast prayer group; easy bulky sweater knitting pattern. He studied the back of Bokuto's head, eying the messy strands of black and white hair that overlapped each other. stardustcrusader28 i would have to research more about the disease, but bokuto was probably suffering all that day, slowly decaying more and more until he couldn't sustain himself anymore and passed away. His emerald eyes met golden ones. The hand that supported his weight against the windowsill trembled without pause, and his other remained outside, shaking in the cold dead of night. "I guess you can Just as long as you're feeling better. A mere two minutes outside had turned into two hours. Akaashi's grip tightened around his phone. Bokuto beamed at him with a smile that spoke a thousand words, and his hand reached out to touch Akaashi's cheek. It was very unsettling. Akaashi relaxed himself against his mattress and closed his eyes, a powerless yawn leaving him. ", "I do, but I don't want to watch it. Akaashi stepped in and shut the door behind him. The Galaxy Is Endless (I Thought We Were, Too) - Goodreads Bokuto looked down at Akaashi's hand. "Are you sure you should be going out in the cold like that?". Akaashi frowned. "What's this?" An embarrassed chuckle escaped him. It was difficult, however, as each time he tried to drift off to sleep, that unnerving fear of having the same dream would jerk him back awake. "Didn't think you knew that about him. Bokuto refused to budge. Kuroo scratched the back of his head. Akaashi sat up and placed his phone on the counter. "Impossible-" He pulled apart the blinds and looked down. He understood how that would be alarming to some people. He did the only thing that he could and nodded again, then closed his eyes, and slightly turned his head away. i'm in spain but the s is silent. You sleep if you want to. It was so weak and feeble, it could barely be heard, but it was there, and Akaashi could hear it, so that was enough for Bokuto. Akaashi didn't want to bring up the fact that Bokuto probably would no longer possess the ability to walk by the time any snow did get a chance to fall, so he kept his mouth shut. Did you just Say that to yourself?". His eyes locked onto Bokuto's. His hand wobbled so much that it was impossible to decipher which letters he was hitting. I was so weak, and it'd gotten to the point where I could barely breath. "No. "He does. [deleted] 2 yr. ago [removed] So please Let me have this.". He was trying to, he truly was, but he just couldn't. His head rested on mine with the weight of someone's who's unconscious.". which ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY BROKE ME TO PIECES. Akaashi inhaled quietly. I thought you fell asleep.]. "Relax." Bokuto followed, his arm still around him. He could feel his heartbeat thumping hard against his chest, as if it wanted to break free. It was one of those "White days", as Bokuto liked to call them, so he paid much more attention to the world beyond the glass than he did to his own confined life in the hospital. Again, if he hadn't known any better, Akaashi would have figured that Bokuto was already fast asleep. Again, thank you! Akaashi made sure to take a mental picture of this before he looked down and closed his eyes. They were still wrapped up in whatever conversation they were having. He spoke with a small woman there, and after several minutes had passed, Akaashi backed away from the desk, some sheets of paper in hand. He'd usually ask yes or no questions, ones that were easy for Bokuto to answer with a nod or shake of the head. His head hung low, and his attention belonged only to the handheld system that entertained him. "So I figured if you left now You Wouldn't have to And it wouldn't h-hurt so much". A light hearted laugh bubbled out from deep within his chest, and the sound filled the room as soon as it hit the air. He returned Bokuto's gaze, then looked down quickly afterwards. Forcing a smile of his own, Akaashi tilted his head only slightly. Bokuto moved closer to where Akaashi was standing, all the while still sitting in bed. ", "I hope so. Akaashi grew silent and knitted his fingers together on his stomach, his head relaxing into his pillow. Akaashi, don't give him a hard time, or you and I are going to fucking fight.". The disappointment in his voice was clear. He stared at Bokuto with his lips parted, as if he were going to speak, but ended up speechless. ", "Yeah Yeah. It almost looked as if he were asleep. He left the room quickly, leaving Bokuto by his lonesome. His body jerked with each sob that was torn from him, his frame curling to bring himself closer. He must have been. He was thinner than before, a large flannel shirt fitting him loosely. "Of this hospital. He watched as Bokuto's chest rose and fell with each breath that kept him alive. Pursing his lips, Akaashi let his head fall back into the pillows. ", Bokuto stared at Akaashi. "Don't apologize.". They were the only two in the gym. He didn't look into any of the rooms. He circled around the male, apologizing flatly before he continued on. i literally have never watched a single episode of this anime nor do i have any emotional connection to these characters but wow this is a really pretty and well-written fanfic. "And my hallucinations aren't all that bad. He pressed send and watched the phone carefully, waiting for the small ellipses to appear on the lower left side of the screen. An 'It's alright,' could be heard from behind him, but it soon faded as Akaashi continued forward. Akaashi yanked his hands away and stared at Bokuto. "Would you like for him to send a photo?". He dug his thumb nail into the side of his index finger and returned his gaze to Bokuto. He wanted for him to spike it at least once lest Bokuto threw a self hate-induced panic attack. ", "So I can't sleep." Bokuto looked down and twisted his lips to the side. During the next day, Akaashi decided to stay home. He flinched and pulled his hand away to stare at the screen. He kept his head down and played the fool, pretending he didn't see Akaashi. It took every fiber of his being to keep his voice from trembling. "What are you smiling at?" "It's warm-" Bokuto exhaled and shuddered once he was inside, slipping off his shoes. He blinked sluggishly. He kept his breathing controlled and steady for about forty minutes; he looked sound asleep, but was actually drifting between the real world and the dream realm. At other times, he would just tell him things that were on his mind. It was because of this that he was so surprised when he felt a gentle sensation against his forehead. He focused on nothing Something he remembered Kenma doing. Bokuto resisted, standing firm in place. Akaashi looked down the hall. He waves goodbye to his sister, shuts the door, and then walks to school, taking in a breath of the cool morning air. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. Absolutely not. He brought his hand down to his side. Akaashi looked down and away from Bokuto, then back to the window. Frankly speaking, it had no affect on him in the slightest. texas rule of civil procedure 99. largest staffing companies in the us 2021; moorabool news editor; romaji practice sentences; menards swing set accessories; what city produces the most nfl players; He smiled down at him. He drags you back in. It had been two months since Bokuto's visit over his home, and ever since then, Akaashi found that making his way to the hospital had become a daily routine for him. Are you alright?". Such an energetic texter, Bokuto was. I finished this months ago but it still hurts and just thinking about it makes me cry. Think that I'm beautiful?" "I know You hate hosp-itals. However, he is initially listless and pessimistic about his operation, as he has no will to live, thinking . The air around Akaashi thickened, and suddenly he found it difficult to breathe. Kuroo rubbed the lower part of his face with his hand. He looked around and moved his fingers, trying to make out a phone. So then why was he so cheerful about his entire situation? They are my favorite ship in Haikyuu, so typing this makes little to no sense to me. He entered his number swiftly, and then handed the phone to Bokuto, the name section empty. No!" Akaashi's arm cautiously wrapped itself around Bokuto's broad shoulders. Without a voice, Bokuto couldn't keep up a conversation as well as he used to, no matter how hard he tried. He held them against his frame in the twenty degree weather, and though many people gave him strange looks and watched him side-ways, none of this affected him in the slightest. In the span of those three days, he had only acquired a little over four hours of sleep in total. "It did at first, when I didn't understand why. I've watched this movie so many times, I actually fell asleep." Bokuto missed Akaashi's set twelve times. He wasn't too sure why. We're friends." "So you must be leaving soon, then.". Akaashi let out a half-assed grunt and continued to stare forward. Akaashi entered the building and greeted the woman at the front desk, as always. He watched as Bokuto's smile faded instantly, his eyes having gone from half lidded to wide in a second. Is he here?". Dissociative disorders are mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. It was warm on him, certainly something that one would find comforting, but as he stirred in bed, he was certain that something was off. He almost didn't want to ask the question. It was an awful thing to do, but Akaashi knew full well that none of it was intentional on Bokuto's part. Perplexed, Akaashi directed his full attention to Bokuto. Akaashi looked up from his phone after sending the message and turned his head to notice that Bokuto was once again staring at him with acute interest. i'm internally SOBBING. At that moment, he turned away and walked off, feeling he wouldn't be able to leave if he'd lasted one more second in the room. ", "He's genuine, kind, and at times, infantile, but that's what makes him so Likeable, I suppose. He chuckles. In another life. "It's not like I would've made any noise," Bokuto all but shouted, following after him. "Alright" He closed his eyes. Akaashi took an unnoticeable step back. It was the only normal thing to do, considering how he was the one who was suffering from said disease. It was the last word Kuroo murmured before he stared forward as well, having nothing more to say. They sat heavily in the pit of his stomach, churning and pestering him, urging him to throw up. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. I recommended this book to my friend Sophia, and she cried too. Akaashi was dumbfounded. "I'm not coming back to visit him anymore. Bokuto had always been struggling to keep a positive front, but inside, he was falling apart all along. Shut him out, don't let him in. Akaashi frowned deeply. He stared in Bokuto's direction, at him this time. I have have a theory that make he managed to achieve sleep, like w/out twitching awake, and during that sleep he entered a dream phase where he kinda had "the light" moment and passed . So they don't mind. And at such an early damn age, too?" "It was sudden." All he could do was stare at the melancholic performance that played out before him. He didn't get up to alert the nurses, or the doctors, or anyone in the hospital. Lying on his back, he stared at the ceiling. His words were as straightforward as they were indifferent. Kuroo's the bigger one. He hated how difficult it had become for him to tell apart the real things from the fake ones. He translated all that his words could not. Storms trigger them.". His hand took Bokuto's own, and he held it gently. He moved in his seat and sat straight against the head of the bed, then looked down at Bokuto. Bokuto reached up a cold, frail hand to wipe at the mess that was his face. i mean, i felt sad sure but I didn't really get the last few parts, like was it a dream, was Akaashi having a hallucination, did he die from a broken heart and that was like a vision of some of his best moments with Bokuto, etc. Akaashi swallowed thickly and crossed his hands, rubbing one thumb over the other. The black haired male bounced the ball again and walked over to position. It's so good that I hate it so much because the sheer amount of pain it caused me. They go back a couple of years.". And even if he didn't show up, he would still spend his days sending messages to Bokuto, be it text, email, or the occasional video chat. Akaashi said bitterly as he hobbled up the stairs. Out there, the sickly one trembled like a new born animal, even with the extra jacket that Akaashi had offered him. "They used to play volleyball together. I know I don't have much time left." The sound of someone cautiously moving their arm when they didn't wish to wake someone. I've heard a lot about you in the short hour that I've been here.". Bokuto whispered. With what little strength he had left, Bokuto beamed. He'd never heard of that disease before. Keeping his eyes closed, Akaashi took in the feeling of this. Um" He scratched at his cheek, just below his eye. So instead of putting on a sour expression, Akaashi only kept a neutral one, like he always did. I may not be as sharp as I used to, but that whole 'Time flies when you're having fun,' rule still applies to me, even today.". "Everything you say is so straightforward. "It's not a hallucination, Bokuto. They both found it easier to believe in that lie than to accept the truth of what was to come. It wasn't long before Akaashi had leaned his head on Kuroo's shoulder, as he, too, fell victim to the sorrow that slowly ate him alive. He felt as if all the air had been squeezed out of his body by the words that Bokuto had spoken. I know that you know that, too And yet you still stick by me.". Akaashi couldn't help but smile back at him. Akaashi couldn't find any words to say at that moment. "For a guy who's name is Kuroo, he sure is a colorful one." "Koutarou Why do you watch me like that?" Normally he would have been red with irritation from the sound of such irksome persistence, but the smile that would claim Bokuto's face whenever he agreed to something would make Akaashi forget all about how frustrated he was. I'm already three quarters done and I'm bawling my eyes out. He shook his head again, stronger this time. He answered blatantly. Akaashi hadn't even mustered his first word before Bokuto snapped his head to the side to give him his undivided attention. Though the question was asked clearly, Bokuto didn't make a sound, nor did he move. He pat the empty space next to him animatedly. ", "Well, I brought it up, just as a suggestion, but then he got really excited." He reached a hand out to turn on the lamp that sat on his nightstand. I cried several times while typing it, actually. I would like that. He brought a hand up to push through his black hair, and slowly, his head fell forward. fandom for a reason, but reading it hit so much harder than I anticipated. Akaashi pulled a solemn face and closed the laptop. Akaashi figured that Bokuto would keep to himself for the rest of the night, so he put his focus back to trying to sleep. There was a longing in his eyes that Akaashi couldn't stand to see. Akaashi looked at his phone to read the sentence. Bokuto covered his mouth and coughed suddenly. I read 5 sad hq ff cz I'm a broken idiot and the galaxy is endless and in another life hurt me on such a deep level. I thought it was what you wanted". He understood where Akaashi was coming from and didn't even think of holding his icy tone against him. He stared at him intently and watched every move he made, to the point where this had captured Akaashi's attention. Akaashi could feel Bokuto's enthusiasm through his text messages. His ability to speak left him soon after. Thin lips pressed into an even thinner line. How old is Bokuto and Akaashi? Chloe was three years old when she became Chloe Holden, but her adoption didn't scar her, and she's had a great life. The cold was no longer a factor to Akaashi. He swallowed once, hoping to get rid of the lump in his throat. 5/5 porque cuando lo le me dejo destrozada, no conozco la felicidad desde que le esto, nie wiem w sumie jak to sie stao ale faktycznie sie poryczaam XDDD, Im still crying I loved this but also fu to literally everyone on the internet telling me I needed to read this. Kuroo froze. t had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. Left.". He placed it on the counter near his bedside and buried himself into the blanket that he had so openly shared with Bokuto. "Were you ever friends with Bokuto?" "You know Um" He looked down and rubbed his neck roughly, leaving behind deep, red marks. Akaashi had looked up from his phone and stuffed it into his jacket pocket as the energetic hospital patient made his way across the lot. The other, he had no clue. Bokuto was afraid to wake Akaashi. And here he is". He whispered the words. He sighed. Akaashi.". Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side was useless. But his right to watch kuroo slowly die was a kind of pain i didn't know existed. He figured it was already past five in the afternoon. At first, Akaashi thought nothing of it. "That was when he learned about the disease. But no matter how much he worried for him, Akaashi continued on their way to the window at a slow and steady pace until they finally made it. People keep saying they cried at the ending but i'm just here dry eyed. It was all still there, but there was something different about it all that puzzled Akaashi. I recommend everyone who has the heart for it, READ THIS FIC! "More like acquaintances. "It caught me off guard. "Of course. He opened it and pulled one out. Sorry.]. They felt mandatory now. He praises others while shouting that he's the best at everything he does. The day was strangely chilly, with an occasional breeze now and then, causing the browning leaves to rustle in the trees above. Ones that said, He's not dying. He couldn't sleep because of his honest fascination with him. "I could ask you the same thing" Akaashi's lips screwed to the side. Ridiculous." The sound of rain pelting hard against the window snapped Akaashi back into reality. His breathing was heavy, his heart rate quicker than usual; Akaashi could feel his heart pounding in his throat, making it difficult to swallow. I do.". Akaashi was glad. Relaxing his head against the crook of Bokuto's neck, Akaashi blinked wearily and stared off into the distance. At one point, he reached a hand up to grab the beanie off of his head, and he aimlessly chucked it to the ground with force. Haikyuu!! what disease did, bokuto have in another life. It had been three days since Bokuto's passing, and surely enough, sleep did not come to Akaashi as easily as it used to. His eyes lit up, intent on informing Bokuto, but when he turned his head to get a look at him, instead of being greeted by an over enthusiastic friend, he was presented with an unfazed expression upon Bokuto's weary face. He made his way up the same path, walking swiftly and without pause. Once Akaashi had left the hospital, he never looked back. In Another Life// Bokuto Kotarou's "Death Anniversary - YouTube He could practically hear the frown in his voice. Kuroo finally left the room after four minutes or so, having forgotten that he was supposed to leave in the first place. It reminded him of his home Bokuto nearly bumped into Akaashi as he stopped to enter his room. It was a reaction that Akaashi was not expecting in the least, but he played off his surprise and only managed an, "I see.".
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